Dr Asela Dharmadasa
Primary medical qualifications:
MA (Cantab) BM BCh (Oxon) FRCA (Eng)
GMC number:
1999-2002 Preclinical medicine, University of Cambridge
2002-2005 Clinical medicine, University of Oxford
2005-2007 Foundation programme training, Oxford Deanery
2007-2014 Imperial School of Anaesthesia training programme
2014- present: Consultant anaesthetist
Research & publications
Aston, D., Rivers, A. & Dharmadasa, A. Equipment in Anaesthesia & Critical Care. Scion Publishing Ltd, ISBN-13: 978-1907904059.
Malhotra, S., Dharmadasa, A., Yentis, S.M. (2011) One vs. two applications of chlorhexidine/ethanol for disinfecting the skin: implications for regional anaesthesia. Anaesthesia, Jul, 66(7), 574-8
Dharmadasa, A., Dean, M., Lucas, D.N., Rao, K., Robinson, P.N. (2011) SAFE handovers in obstetric anaesthesia. Int J Obstet Anesth, Apr, 20(2), 192
Richards, T., Dharmadasa, A., Davies, R., Murphy, M., Perera, R., Walton, J. (2009) Natural history of the common iliac artery in the presence of an abdominal aortic aneurysm. J Vasc Surg. Apr, 49(4), 881-5.
Cowen, R., Richards, T., Dharmadasa, A., Handa, A., Perkins, J. (2008) The acute blue finger: management and outcomes. Ann R Coll Surg Engl, Aug 12
Handy, J., Dharmadasa, A., Soni, N. (2013) The role of the Liverpool Care Pathway in intensive care. Journal of the Intensive Care Society (JICS) Apr, 14 (2), 2-4