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Specialising in comprehensive management of fibroid conditions 

We offer a variety of investigations and options for the private treatment of fibroids, including: 

  • Medications 
  • Transcervical resection of fibroids 
  • Endometrial ablation (also known as fibroidectomy) 
  • Myomectomy (open and keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery) 
  • Hysterectomy (open and keyhole (laparoscopic) surgery) 
  • Uterine fibroid embolisation

Established in the 1990s, the fibroid clinic at St Mary’s Hospital is unique in the UK for its comprehensive management of fibroid conditions. It is the only centre in the UK to treat fibroids with non-invasive MR-guided ultrasound where possible. Non-invasive procedures may not be suitable or the most effective option for large or multiple fibroids. We can provide uterine artery embolisation – a non-surgical approach using interventional radiology. 

The team sees around 1,600 patients every year between their NHS and private gynaecology practice. As a result, they have experience of all types and stages of fibroids and can care for patients with larger or complex fibroid conditions. 

Patients with fibroids are examined and given an MRI scan of the pelvis. The results of scans and any other investigations are discussed in a dedicated fibroid multidisciplinary team meeting. Here, doctors, specialists and nursing staff work together to create a tailored care plan for patients, looking holistically at each case. 

Based on the images and type of fibroids, and your symptoms and preferences, your consultant will then recommend the most suitable treatment path. 

Occasionally, a hysterectomy is required during treatment. Our surgeons have the skills and experience to carry out abdominal hysterectomies using keyhole surgery, rather than open surgery, which means less post-operative pain. This will depend on the size and position of the fibroids. 

The chance of fibroid recurrence will vary depending on the type of fibroid and your treatment. Your consultant will be able to advise you if you are likely to need treatment in the future.