Benign prostate enlargement
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Benign prostate enlargement (also known as benign prostate hyperplasia or BPH), is a common condition found in older men where the prostate increases in size, potentially compressing the urethra as it leaves the bladder.
This ‘squeezing of the water pipe’ produces numerous urinary symptoms, such as difficulty passing urine, urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and occasionally even renal failure.
Tailored treatment choices
At Imperial College Healthcare Private Care we offer a wide range of treatments for an enlarged prostate, including medications, minimally invasive procedures and surgery.
We will offer you a personalised approach to BPH, taking into account a range of factors including your overall health, your level of discomfort and your preferences and expectations. We will also be able to offer advice on lifestyle changes which may improve mild symptoms of an enlarged prostate, alongside some medication.
Surgical options
If the symptoms continue to be bothersome, surgical options such as laser prostate treatments (HoLEP) or the traditional TURP procedure could be considered. More recently, newer minimally invasive treatments have been introduced with minimal side-effects, such as Rezūm Water Vapour Therapy and Urolift. Your consultant will discuss options for the most appropriate treatment for your situation with you.
Rezūm Water Vapour Therapy
Our consultants were pioneers of a new minimally invasive treatment known as Rezūm water vapour therapy which uses steam energy to shrink the part of the prostate that has become enlarged and is causing symptoms.
Rezūm uses the natural energy stored in water vapour, or steam. It is a safe and effective treatment available to relieve symptoms associated with BPH. The procedure can be performed within a day under local anaesthetic.
Rezum water vapour therapy:
- preserves sexual function
- offers a rapid return to normal activities
- delivers fast, effective and precise BPH treatment
- is clinically proven to be safe and effective
Urolift is a minimally invasive surgery that lifts and holds the side of the prostate to relieve the pressure in the urethra and increase the flow of urine. In most cases patients can have the procedure under local anaesthetic and can be discharged within hours of the procedure taking place.
- does not compromise sexual function
- works quickly; patients frequently describe improvements within one to three weeks
- does not typically require patients to have a catheter after treatment
- allows for a return to normal activities (including work) in days
HoLEP (Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate)
HoLEP is a minimally invasive procedure that uses laser technology to remove obstructing prostate tissue, as an alternative to major surgery. The HoLEP procedure is particularly suitable for patients with larger prostates.
The use of a laser means that the operation is relatively bloodless, leading to a lower risk of requiring a blood transfusion after surgery. As a result, the procedure is particularly suitable for patients on anticoagulants (blood thinning treatments).
Outcomes are impressive and there is a reduced need for any further treatment once surgery has taken place. Compared to traditional treatment options, patients who have the HoLEP procedure are also likely to require catheterisation for a shorter period after their operation.
This procedure also allows consultants to retrieve tissue which can be examined to rule out prostate cancer.
Prostate Artery Embolisation
Prostate artery embolisation (PAE) is used to treat an enlarged prostate gland. PAE is usually performed as a day case procedure. During the procedure beads are injected into the prostate blood vessels to block them. This can help to reduce the size of the prostate and relieve your symptoms. Unlike some other surgical alternatives, the procedure has minimal impact on the sexual function and urinary continence. In addition, it can also be beneficial in patients who have had a long-term catheter.